What's Trending In SA Property?

What’s Trending In SA Property?

The only constant thing about life is that it is never constant … and this is even true of property trends. Here in South Africa, we have experienced the opportunities that come with an economic boom, and stumbled on during a recession, so what now in 2016… and how do current trends affect your chances of securing a residential home loan?

The experts in the property world have varying opinions and expectations of what the market will be doing from here onwards. Their reasons for how the market has behaved in the recent past show as many discrepancies. So who to believe?  The Internet gives you plenty of access to information and opinion from well-informed estate agencies and property guru’s, but in the end you will have to choose to follow advice from those you trust.

A Little History 

It’s all been a bit of an economic roller coaster. The boom period preceding 2008 was wonderful for sellers, buyers and those in the property business. Equally delighted were the banks and financial houses as they were happy to grant residential home loans as South Africa’s interest rates were at an all time low. With the interest low, many people who previously could not afford the repayments of a residential home loan now qualified – although many viewed this easy credit as reckless lending.

A down trend followed with 2012 reflecting the start of a little relief, and an upward movement in the property market.  Fast forward to December 2015 and the economic disaster South Africans experienced overnight – so what to expect for this year?

What to Expect in 2016?

First-time home buyers seem to be driving the property market and the good news is that should this continue, we can hope to see a slow and small growth in the price of properties as the demand for properties remains. There is a twist to the good news, however, as this will be pertinent only to certain areas of the property market. The metro areas throughout South Africa have seen home prices rise – Santon, Umhlanga and Cape Town – and look to continue being popular.

The Atlantic Seaboard has always enjoyed rising property prices and the feeling is that their upward trend will continue – albeit slowly – as prices are still considered to be undervalued in this area. The fall in the value of the rand to the dollar is an attractive incentive for overseas purchasers.

One will not be criticised for being cautious, as the general opinion is that the residential home loan and property situation will have a very slow start in 2016. The shortage of property to sell will warrant that the prices of homes continue on a gentle upward climb.

Residential Home Loans – Why Go it Alone?

Although being careful, banking institutions are still looking to finance potential homeowners. This is evident in the larger value of the bonds being extended and a reduction amount of the deposit required. If you are a buyer and you are looking to purchase a home, being aware of popular trends makes sense. Most estate agents are willing to talk to you and walk you through all the pros and cons of making the decision of where and what to buy. Every potential homeowner has unique requirements and being able to discuss these with an experienced agent is always helpful.

An advantage to deciding on a property to purchase is to pre-qualify for a residential homeloan. Qualified estate agents and home loan originators work closely to ensure you receive exceptional service and advice. At Homeloan Junction, we will assist you with all the paperwork when you apply for home finance and our service comes at no cost to you.

You are under no obligation and we will make sure that you receive the best possible deal from the 9 different banks we approach on your behalf. Our experience and relationship with financial institutes will work to your advantage. This pre-qualification will allow you to gauge your credit rating and realise which price bracket the property you can afford falls into.

The Move is Towards…

Living close to CBD’s, sectional title developments, flats, apartments and complexes is the way things are moving. High density city areas are proving to be the most popular areas for buyers in the market today. Cutting costs on the size of your home, travel expenses and finding advantages in density living is the tendency today.

The tough economic forecast and the rising cost of living that South Africans face, coupled with higher interest rates and a shortage of sought after stock is the test for the 2016 property market.

Vincent Du Preez
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